
 (un)requited love

I love noodles, I've always had. They're moist and silky, like rotting worms dipping in warm milk 

Mom and dad are fighting 

or is it mom alone? 

About something that I can't listen to

Noisy little shiny sticky thingy 

Flies are dragonflies when they hatch in your head

I'm so fly when he touches me,

I want him to do (me) so. 

So beauteous it is, my insides are melting

when his fingers interwine with mine

I love you 

I love you 

I love you

I can't speak 

—Shhh, don't make a fuzz about it

Dad and mom are fighting, 

or is it dad alone? 

Noodles are getting soggy and my feet can't touch the floor

The floor is hell

and I'm staying there

And there's to my Lord almighty;

forgive me, love, for what I've loved

He says he understands it,

but how could love be this deep

when I can't speak it out and it 

keeps seething in until it skins


All love, all of my love, my, my,

it has to be unrequited for I am 

in this world for the spoken 

I love him 

I love him

I love him

His breath is barely touching my nape

thorough to make my blood race 

Bestow on me indulgence of thee

I might have to be dead as well

before finding myself deserving

Of him


I can't hear mom and dad

when his dragonfly kisses draws the remembrances of those tall white walls covered in bloody glitter 

I have a word that won't come out

and a cup of soggy noodles

I love noodles

I've always had